Fine tune strobe |
② Fine tune button. Tap button to show or hide the strobe fine tune controls.
③ Frequency fine tune controls.
㉛ Halve/double controls. Halves or doubles the strobe frequency and is useful in finding the actual frequency of a spinning object that appears to be stationary as a spinning object may appear stationary at multiples of its spinning frequency. Stroboscopic effect.
㉜ Fine increment/decrement buttons. Adjusts the next strobe fequency by 0.1 flashes per minute. Hold the button down to continuously apply the frequency fine increment/decrement.
㊶㊷ Phase shift buttons. Shifts the strobe cycle backward or forward by retarding or advancing the strobe cycle flash momentarily. Useful in moving what appears to be a stationary spinning object spokes backward/forward.
⑤ Flashes per minute. Displays the strobe frequency in flashes per minute FPM.